Sunday, May 12, 2019

stuff I do


here's some stuff I do that could be argued as being "cool"

1. make songs under 3 minutes

hate songs feeling too long? hate songs that are just too long in general? just don't like music in general? well if you like any of those I make songs short.


System of a Down - B.Y.O.B.
Rush - The Trees
L7 - Pretend We're Dead

sometimes the edits suck, I will admit. these ones are some of the arguably better ones I've done.

2. volunteer work for BlueMaxima's Flashpoint

so you know flash games, right? you might not know that flash is being deprecated at the end of 2020. in other words, all major browsers will lose support for Flash by January 1st, 2021. BlueMaxima's Flashpoint is trying to archive all the flash games possible, while also taking shockwave, unity, and other games for kicks n giggles. I'm an official curator; almost 70 games as of the time I type this.

3. archival of King games

yeah this explains itself. i'm surprised I havent been C&D'd yet.

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